16 April 2006


sometimes i see people trying too hard to prove something about themselves. verbally trying to express who they are..and you begin to wonder, whats real and whats not.
judgment is everywhere..and u start to worry about first impressions.. body language.. decisions.
a very simple example.. and im sure everyone's been through this.. the question of 'where-to-eat' when you're in a group. no one wants to decide.. and when one brave and courageous soul finally makes a decision..the others complain. why?
was watching pink on oprah..talking about girls exploiting their sexuality. how its becoming more of a reflex to flash for the camera when someone asks you to, even when you get nothign out of it.
you've heard of act cute, act smart..they were actually talkign about acting stupid. girls actually try to be less clever so they don't intimidate guys. this starts at age 8. my goodness.. is that really true?? that'd be really pathetic.
but anywayz, i just feel being down-to-earth and true to yourself is always safe. you don't feel hollow, you don't feel fake. you no longer have to push someone down to feel a tinge of self worth. :D
but then again..issit that easy to know who you really are?


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